yes indeedy i am the one, and only, ChickenNuggetGod!!!

Dababy imposter school

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ChickenNuggetGod's News

Posted by ChickenNuggetGod - 20 hours ago

Hello, ChickenNuggetGod

This week has been pretty productive over all, with the artz of stuff. But damn I started track this year and it's been kicking my ass, literally and figuratively. I mean I start school, go to track, take a shower, and then go to bed. I mean track is fun and I really enjoy it but damn days have been going by quick and the things I wanna do (like art) I've not had much time to do. oh well, know for everybody came here for the art!!!


some black and coral art


damn she's looking ambushes


how i look when i murder an entire family in cold blood "woops sowwy XP"


a not so funny, funny


bro lookin' like da rizzler

also you could and will see that i was drawing amongus grunt a lot this week because i wanted to flesh out his design


omgaaaaa so mean >:(


the battle of the centuries!!!!

iu_1362385_12874887.webpfaces with bodies

ok, know it's time for all the randome stuff i have no caption foriu_1362386_12874887.webpiu_1362387_12874887.webpiu_1362388_12874887.webpiu_1362389_12874887.webpiu_1362390_12874887.webpiu_1362391_12874887.webp

welp, that's another week is done for the year, and i hope you enjoyed! good night/morning/day/evening or whatever thing you are dealing with b-bye!!!!! :D


Posted by ChickenNuggetGod - 7 days ago

Hello ChickenNuggetGod,

Hmmm, yes this week I remembered to post on a sunday, YYYIIIIPPPEEE!!! Oh and this week i was very productive with my arts so I'm happy to show them off!


I like the idea of the battle just this sketch was super plane and stale, don't know how else to explain it.


The little flag thing (name is pride flag) is from a series on youtube that I thought was pretty funny and you should diffetly should check it out. there youtube chanle to all the vieos!?2?;owasdjfl;ajs;diohlj

i've been to also try redesign E-CNG's shoes, i wanted to to be just a bit more diffent to CNG's shoes. (speaking of shoes...)


shoes... and face

(speaking of face)


another face! and hose leg... speaking of hours legs...

what there is no other hours legs..... ok back to the arts


(same face and other shit)



black and egg.... enemies for lifeiu_1357330_12874887.webp

amongus grunt and mathiu_1357331_12874887.webp

spoilers for that amongus animation that i have been on and off working on for, forever now but the big guy get's cut in half.


Xp face

ok know i just got some super random stuff that I have no captions foriu_1357333_12874887.webpiu_1357334_12874887.webpiu_1357335_12874887.pngiu_1357336_12874887.png

uuhhhh and that's it! very productive week, I did all of this posted an art piece and worked on that amongus animation so i'm very poud of myself :) ookkkk,have a good rest of your night/morning/day/evening or whatever thing you are dealing with b-bye!!!!!


Posted by ChickenNuggetGod - 2 weeks ago

Hello, ChickenNuggetGod

I forgor to post this yesterday but so I'm just gonna post it in the middle of a Monday now.


makes fun of some guy


Bunch of random doudals


You know battle cats? what it's a drawing of that


oh my... skibity!!! GGGYYYYYYYAAAAAAAATT!!!!


amongus with big ass knife

a unproductive week but whateverrrrr, it is what it is. Hope you enjoyed and have a good rest of your night/morning/day/evening b-bye!!!!!


Posted by ChickenNuggetGod - 3 weeks ago

Hello, ChickenNuggetGod

uhhh, I got really sick in the middle of the week so I don't have a tone to show but, I still drew some stuff so lets look at that!


Amongus Grunt


This is a madness oc called "big hand Jimmy" because well... he has big hands. Which is not shown in the drawing but yeah. I was mostly just working on his hat ting to make it look more unique then just a box and a cap.




I was just trying to find some better colors to E-CNG because I mean those neon green shoes and the light gray gloves in the first drawing of her were DISUCTING my god. and I like the better colors I chose in this one.

Ok, another not so predictive week but yeah hope you enjoyed and have a good rest of your night/morning/day/evening bye-bye!!!


Posted by ChickenNuggetGod - 1 month ago

Hello, ChickenNuggetgod

Actually made time for drawing this week so I got more new stuff to post, so enjoy!











More Evil-ChickenNuggetGod

And that's basically it for the week. It was nice to actually be able to draw and stuff. So have a good day/night/evening/morning bye bye!!!!


Posted by ChickenNuggetGod - January 27th, 2025

Hello, ChickenNuggetGod

FFFUUUUCCKKKK was I busy doing other things think week, I mean like I did not even pay attention when I realized before writing this that I did not make Jack shit.... :p

uuhhhh here is some little dualsiu_1343179_12874887.png

It was my birthday, and i got a few presents for drawing


These are some nice markers hoooohhhooo very epic and cool. and I also got those rubber erasers that you can mold and stuff.



LOOK AT MY LITTLE MAN!!! he is very cute!

Well again, super sorry for not posting anything again, I just gotta be better at my time management and stuff. ok good night/morning/ evening b-bye!!!


Posted by ChickenNuggetGod - January 20th, 2025

Hello, ChickenNuggetGod

Not as active as I was last week with my drawing but, I worked a lot more on my projects! (not gonna share any details with them unlike the last weeks Xp)


hmm the trusty broom!!!

I also worked on a not so new character called "ECNG (or Evil Chicken Nugget God)" I've had the idea and the original design for a while now just did not do anything with it.

old drawing I found of him


But now SHE has a new updated design that looks in my option better.iu_1339567_12874887.webpiu_1339568_12874887.webpiu_1339569_12874887.png

(I know i already posted this as art but... bleh)


awww, there trying to make amends.

well, that's the end for this week, kinda short... but whatevs. Ok have a good week b-bye!


Posted by ChickenNuggetGod - January 12th, 2025

Hello, ChickenNuggetGod

Heyyy I'm actually keeping up with my new years revolution!!!

I drew a bit more then I did last week (more then just a signal page) so let's start talking about what I drew!


This is a video thumbnail wip I am doing for a video I'm working on (different form the Amongus animation I'm working on). It is just about Madness Combat Project Nexus. It's a very short video were I just do a bunch of editing of a bunch of silly things I've thought of. I do have a YouTube channel were I'm probably gonna post it. If you care: My Youtube, I will warn you I got some cringy content from like 3 years ago so be warn....

Talking about videos and stuff, that Amongus animation, uhhh... sorry but I've got nothin' to show. I barely touched it this week, like I got the idea down and the story board but I have not done anything with the actual animation part. But trust me, I will get it done someday!


Just a little drawing of an amongus about to get squished to death from the CNG.


Yet some more drawings of CNG getting high... I really don't know why I like drawing him on weed. I liked how they turned out and I love using the linear fill tool in flash it very fun to see two colors mix.

iu_1335457_12874887.png huh?


iu_1335458_12874887.png iu_1335459_12874887.png

These are some Amongus character designs I thought of and wanted to put them on pen and paper (or pen and screen I guess). They definitely need some work, like Butterfly needs some more bug like features, Baroon need to look more like a balloon and Gray just looks weird.... And he looks way to similar to Gray from the actual Vs imposter. I really don't like that at all.


I was trying to practice my facial emotions and I was using this for reference:iu_1335462_12874887.webp

I don't know who drew all these amazing facial expressions so sorry, I don't know were to give credit. I just used it as a way to study.

That's the end for this week! Hope you have a good rest of your morning/night, b-bye!


Posted by ChickenNuggetGod - January 4th, 2025

Hello, ChickenNuggetGod

So I had a few new years revolutions (I know it's late to talk about this but like, I don't care). One of them was starting to post a weekly or bi-weekly post. In this post I would insert art that was unfinished, still working on, just little sketches, and/or other things alike, just to get them out there. I would also like to talk about my thought prosses behind them these pieces. So maybe I would even put my finished pieces of art in here and talk about them too! Honestly I have no idea exactly what these posts will be about; maybe I will just ramble about random shit, but hopefully it will evolve into something fun!

Anyways Lets get started!!!


Most of this stuff is just random stuff, But this little goober right below is a composer I flow called "DrawPant_" that makes some pretty good music. Definitely go check them out :DrawPant_'s Youtube


Next up is this one, it's just some more fan art of a different mumians music called link to da music just like the characters and the song.


I'm also working on a small animation! I hope for it to be done soon...... :|... hopefully. Here's a little sneak peak!iu_1330249_12874887.png

Ha-ha were making fun of people's insecurities!

Anyways hope you have a good day and stuff and maybe you'll see another one of these next week. Happy New Year, b-bye!


Posted by ChickenNuggetGod - December 30th, 2024


just some random sh- i mean stuff