actually impressive work!
actually impressive work!
GaAhh!!! why did you slightly offcenter the stop sgin!!!!! AND WHY IS IT SHAPPED LIKE A YIELD SIGN!!!!!$:833(&;2?&238:!'sn&:).!Jdbdhd
I pulled up a reference of some stop signs from Japan. :)
*gasp* you actally posted on new grounds!?!?!?!?!dl jfoi asjefio jasfo;ihaskjfhkaj;sdsjdf *explodes in to confetti*
haha yeah since people are moving i decided to only post on my private twt
m-m-mouse do-d dote EXE.... IS THIS A REFRECE TO SONIC.EXE!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!?!/1?1/1/1/!/!/11//!!/1@#lEwMD FIUASF9A23 UY UA WSDO;F HASLIDFJLAKSDJ FLKASDJ F
Thanks? :O
GGGGAAHHHH!!! What's the fucking difference between the pictures!??!
Lol just the earrings and bracelets
nah... i'd win
yourrrssssss isss theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... ummmm l- nah nah nah.... it'sssss theee yeah it is the le- gaaaa fuck.... it's the r-r-igh NO no no no no no it has to be the leeeefffttt??? no right!............ left.... yeah the left one is your no dount in my mind....... but I guess right is right, right? uhhhh i have to go with my gut and go with the right one because the right one is the on right side which means it has to be right! tell me if i am right too.
3:25? do the amomngus evil imposter challenge at 3am... challenge, yeah do that....
now that looks sick! (hairs looks like sonic the headchog)
sans undertal
yes indeedy i am the one, and only, ChickenNuggetGod!!!
Dababy imposter school
Joined on 11/2/22